The Order of the Pelican in the Kingdom of Lochac

Rowan Perigrynne

(Robyn Spencer)




Mistress Rowan was Lochac's first peer, receiving her Pelican from King Paul of Bellatrix and Queen Rowena at October Crown XVII (1982) before we had actually joined the West.

Rowan was born of an English father (hence the name) and German mother in and was raised in Germany. She married early and, after her husband's early demise, managed his lands for many years. These days she pursues her studies and interests and the company of like-minded companions.





Current Protégés:

Past Protégés:

Mistress Marienna Jensdatter

Current Interests:

Currently Guildmaster of the Worshipful Company of Broiderers. WCoB recently completed the new Pelican Cloak, with the devices of members of the Order. (link to:


Vert, in fess three cinquefoils, a bordure embattled argent


Rowan (at) sca (dot) org (dot) au

Web Page:

Current Group:



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